Friday, April 20, 2007

Getting ready

First of all I want to say that I had lot of problems posting a blog. Even the lay-out is different, I liked it the way it was before.

Anyways, today it seems to work again, just in time , for today Willy and Nelly are coming to stay with us for a few days. And that means among other things that Trudy has to do some shopping.

Willy and Nelly are travelling with Via Rail. That is fine, except for the fact that Via does not have a good website for you to find out if the train is late. So you have to try getting that info by phone, and that is not great either. But once they are safely here all that is forgotten, and we are sure we will enjoy this visit.

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Yvonne Parks said...

ah yes....change is difficult.

You'll get used to the new blogger....

Jo's-D-Eyes said...

Yeh that shop "I was there too!!"