Friday, September 14, 2007

I am Back

I have not taken many photos lately, but I did take one good one of this cutie. My granddaughter Alyssa, little daughter of Ron and Lynne, is such a little beauty. How can you not fall in love with that face.....
What else?
I think it is time to talk about some of the little annoyances in this life of ours. Nothing serious, just little weird things that people do to one another. And here is my first entry:

So I buy a new shirt, right colour, good material and it fits reasonably well around my oversize stomach. But the labels! They are sewn into the collar and neck, and after a few minutes they itch like crazy. I have to spend the next hour or so cutting them out. Every time I buy a shirt, same story. And that annoys me!

1 comment:

Jo's-D-Eyes said...

HI :)
photo , ;) sweet, adorable Big Hugh

annoying: ( I like the idea of post,such as "what annoys me"

Labelless would be better? Some shops use already( instaed of labels) an iron-button wich they take off:) Idea?

Hugh for you !:)

I am glad you're posting again!:)