Sunday, December 16, 2007


Oma and Opa were invited last Thursday to a concert where Hudson and Evan took part in. It was actually very good. Hudson especially was singing and doing lively motions perfectly. Evan, younger of course, was hard to see behind the taller kids.After the concert we had a look at the classrooms.
And then the reward foor good behaviour!!
Luella and Lynne shared a good time with the baby Alyssa.


Jo's-D-Eyes said...

Hi Theo,
Its great to see those photo's, I'm pretty sure that Hudson and Evan were THE BEST of all kids! Thanks for sharing, Truus is also looking fantastic! 'as usual'.

Have a ood Sunday, Hugh

Jennifer said...

Great pictures, Dad. I love to see the kids...bigger and bigger everytime someone posts.