As a senior citizen you take a moment sometimes to look back at where you have been, where you come from, what your values are, and how you got from there to here. For me that is a look back in how things were in Holland, and with the help of new technology, the internet, that is possible now.
In Holland the percentage of seniors in the population is increasing, like everywhere else. I read the second most popular spare-time-activity is singing in a choir. A lot of them church related. There are hundreds of choirs now and more being started all the time. A lot of them are world class, complete with voice lessons and training for children as well. Google: "Nederland zingt" on Google video, and you get over 400 entries on You-Tube alone. And they are singing my favorites!
Here is a sample!
1 comment:
he theo ..
great link... i watched some songs
I can learn from you! thanks
this way you/me/others can find always 'fresh' choir-songs , good that they have undertitled song-lines in DUTCH!
I'm glad you are blogging again/also on this blog besides your P- blog!
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